How to sew your very own Boomerang Bag
Step one - identify the parts of the kit:
1. Boomerang Bag numbered label - this will be the outside pocket.
2. large piece ~ 18” x 40” - this will be the body of the bag.
3. pair of strips ~ 4” x 18” - these will be the straps.
Step two - Install the pocket:
1. Ensure the top of the pocket has been folded over and stitched to make a nice finish for the top of the pocket. This may already be done for you.
2. Center the pocket with the top about 3 inches down from one of the short ends of the large bag body piece. You want the right side of the bag facing up, the pocket facing up, and the top of the pocket parallel to one of the short ends of the bag.
3. Stitch around the three sides of the pocket that are pinked to create a pocket on the outside of the bag.
Step three - Form the bag:
1. Fold the body of the bag right sides together with the two short ends together. This will create roughly a square shape. The pocket will be inside. Press if you like.
2. Stitch down the two side seams to form the body of the bag. If you are serging this will finish the inside edges - if you are using a sewing machine, zig zag over the edges of the fabric to limit future fraying.
3. Choose to box the corners or not depending on the shape of the bag that you would like to create.
1. If you choose to make boxed corners, check out Wendy Gratz’s video on YouTube: How to Sew Boxed Corners!
Step 4 - Make the handles:
1. Fold the handle fabrics in half the long way. Press.
2. Open the handle up and press each long raw edge into the center crease you formed during the initial pressing. Press
3. Fold the straps in half the long way and stitch the folded edges together.
4. Stitch near the long edges of the handles to keep them from twisting in the wash.
Step 5 - Finish the bag:
1. Finish the top edge of the bag body - either serge or zig zag. Fold the top to the inside of the bag down about one inch. Press. Stitch around the top of the bag and again about ¾ inch down to create a strong top of the bag.
2. Fold the bag in half so the two side seams are touching. Measure in about 4 inches and put a pin in all 4 layers of the bag to mark handle placement.
3. Attach the handles by stitching in an X pattern over the handle at each of the pins you placed in step 2. Be mindful not to twist the handles. Make sure the handles are attached to their same side of the bag as well.
4. Trim any stray threads.
5. Now bring your bag with you when you shop to limit your use of single use plastic bags.